God said let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness thereof, so that they may rule over creation. We cannot cancel ourselves out no matter how difficult life can get. You may find yourself backed against a wall without seeing any way out of your circumstances, even so that is not your end.
Loretta writes to show us how we can reset our thoughts to find an escape by drawing truths from her own experiences and scripture. She brings forth six fundamental steps to helps us access higher thoughts that will empower us to break away from the clutches of worry.
A Different Way Of Thinking will help you to realise that your life is worth the investment because of God’s higher vision for you. It doesn’t matter whether you are starting over, rebuilding or have just experience loss; God is ever ready to meet you in the place of your need.
As a woman who has had to live on faith, Loretta understands how difficult it is to hope when what remains is only but a fainted spark. She also knows that sparks become blazing flames when fuelled with diligence.
Be ready to experience the change you have prayed for, hoped for and never thought was possible for you because nothing is impossible with God!
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