Poetry for Napatro – I Am the Music You Called Noise


In this compilation of thought-provoking poems, Nkadimang avoids sickly-sweet-sounding rhymes and other tired, stylistic conventions, which are typically expected of poetry. This is how Nkadimang, as explained in his words, “gives thought and feeling a kind of ‘space’; a space that is void of mechanics and deliberate social engineering”.

Albeit that Nkadimang gives a kind of freedom to his verse, this is not to say that the ideas, perspectives, and lessons therein run riot. Far from it. He uses a free form of poetic expression, which is easy to relate to, in order to conscientise the youth of today with regard to their modern environment, which is abundant with rights – but not without responsibilities.

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Poetry for Napatro_Solomon_Nkadimang
Poetry for Napatro – I Am the Music You Called Noise

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