Fed up with your job and want to make a change?
Need inspiration to find a new direction?
Don’t know what to study or considering time out?
The days of a guaranteed job for life are over. Today, it’s a competitive jungle out there: we are inundated with new choices and rapid change in a world that is constantly chasing the next ‘Big Thing’.
There is no doubt that we are more innovative and fulfilled when we develop a career that feels more like a calling, than a job.Yet how do we do that? Traditionally, we have made career choices based on a limited awareness of our potential – often relying on the influence of parents or personal assumptions to guide us.
In this explosive new world of opportunity traditional maps are proving redundant; we need a new tool to find our way. Career and entrepreneurship coach Jeremy Behrmann travelled across the globe to discover an innovative way of developing careers. Drawing on his own experiences with ancient cultures and modern thought leaders, Jeremy has created Breakaway – a compass that helps you navigate your unique passions, values and abilities.
Whether you choose to travel as Jeremy did, or to complete your quest from the comfort of your home, Breakaway will walk you through your own purpose-built mini-vocational adventure, sabbatical or gap year, irrespective of how much time or money you have.
What to expect:
- Be inspired by Jeremy’s powerful personal story
- Explore multiple careers and discover innovative business opportunities
- Make effective decisions around what to study, how to gain work experience and where to position yourself in an industry.
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