We’re South Africa’s leading indie bookstore
Because we’re passionate about helping independent publishers get their work out there, and connecting them to their customers. We provide an easy platform for hundreds of authors to sell their products, and we handle all the admin and book deliveries on their behalf. We also take a smaller cut on books sold than any other sales platform in South Africa.
We carry the largest range of titles, and we are selective about what we choose to sell in our store. While we like to give every author a chance, we realise that creating faith in independently-published books begins with choosing and selling quality titles.
At publisher.co.za, we’re avid readers ourselves, always searching for new material and on the lookout for hot South African talent. And there’s something special about reading the work of an indie author – these are passion projects, labours of love, undiscovered gems, and the products of those who are dedicated enough to follow through on a dream. The least we can do is help book-lovers find these book, and enjoy them as much as we have.
We do this by providing excellent customer service to make your online shopping experience seamless and keep you coming back for more. We’re happy to chat during office hours if you need assistance or information; alternatively, send us an email and one of our friendly consultants will get back to you promptly.
And if you don’t like online shopping, never fear; simply call us and we’ll take your order the old-fashioned way. We also offer direct deposit and EFT payment options within South Africa. Live in Cape Town? Feel free to collect from our offices, too, if you’d like to save yourself the delivery cost.
We’re all about personal service – no pre-recorded computer prompts here or being passed from one department to the next; just a small online company with big heart, supporting local authors with big dreams.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]