‘Flight Of The Moth’ is an autobiographical novel on the author, Edwin Jackson’s life. Since he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease eight years ago at the age of fifty one, he soon set off on a journey around the world in a bid to come to grips with what the disease was all about, and what it meant to him as a person. In the process he was also determined to do what he liked doing best – exploring remote cultures in parts of the world that he had not yet visited.
‘Flight Of The Moth’ is about this journey as well as a reflection through flashbacks to the past of how the author reconciled his role as a farmer and hunter on his farm Omdraaisvlei, in the Karoo, with his interest in Tibetan Buddhism.
The book is neither a travelogue nor primarily an account of someone living with a progressive disease, the book rather is a novel based on a part of the author’s life and is an attempt to bring all the threads of his story together towards a conclusion, reconciliation and an understanding of the purpose of his existence.
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